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Guidelines for Recording Video Evidence

Video Format and Content


Each video may cover one or multiple points for a specific unit to streamline the process.


Ensure the video is of high quality with clear visuals and audio for effective assessment.


Record the video in landscape orientation for better viewing.

Face and Identification


You must appear in the video at some point to verify your identity.


Your face should be clearly visible throughout the video.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


Safety is of utmost importance; therefore, you must wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) throughout the video.


The required PPE includes but is not limited to: 

  • Safety goggles
  • Safety gloves
  • Work boots
  • Overalls or work clothing

The required PPE includes but is not limited to: 

Safety goggles

Safety gloves

Work boots

Overalls or work clothing

Task Description Voiceover


Provide a brief voiceover at the beginning of the video, introducing yourself and stating the purpose of the video as part of the assessment.


Clearly explain the tasks you will be performing in the video and how they align with the specific unit points being addressed.


Ensure your voiceover is clear and audible for assessment purposes.

Task Demonstration


Perform the tasks in a safe and controlled manner, adhering to industry standards and best practices.


Showcase your skills and knowledge confidently in the video.

Relevant Information


 Any relevant documentation or supporting evidence should be provided alongside the video, such as photographs, equipment specifications, and maintenance records.


If applicable, include written explanations of complex processes or methodologies demonstrated in the video.

Video Submission


Name the video file in a standardized format, including your name and the relevant unit code(s).


Upload the video and any supporting documents to the designated platform or submit them as per the college’s instructions.

Process Review


After submitting the video, our assessors will review the content and provide feedback if necessary.


You may be required to provide additional evidence or clarification if specific points are not adequately addressed.

Attention all students pursuing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for course name

This is a stern reminder that the video evidence you submit must meet the specified criteria to be considered valid for assessment. Failure to adhere to the guidelines provided may result in the rejection of your submission, and you will be required to resubmit the evidence. We take the assessment process seriously, and it is imperative that you understand the consequences of submitting video evidence that does not comply with the guidelines.

The RPL assessment is not a mere formality; it is a rigorous evaluation of your skills and knowledge to ensure they align with the required unit points for the certificate. We demand strict adherence to safety protocols and industry standards, as evidenced by the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and your clear and comprehensive task demonstrations.
We urge you to take this warning seriously and put forth your best effort in recording the video evidence. If your initial submission does not meet the prescribed standards, you will be given the opportunity to re-submit. However, repeated failure to meet the assessment criteria may result in the denial of your RPL application.

Remember, RPL is an opportunity to showcase your competence and gain recognition for your prior learning experiences. By adhering to the guidelines and demonstrating your skills effectively, you increase your chances of a successful RPL outcome.

Should you have any doubts or queries regarding the assessment process, do not hesitate to seek guidance from our RPL coordinator. We are here to support you in achieving your certification goals, but it is your responsibility to submit evidence that meets the required standards.