Painting the walls using modern wall painting techniques is much fun these days. The right choice and combination of colors play a vital role in changing a house look. It gives a classic effect and also changes the old walls completely. Old walls get repaired, colored, and get a new look. Again, nowadays, people who like to decorate interiors with creative ideas invest money. The reason is simple; everybody wants to decorate their home differently. You feel good and receive sweet comments from guests. 

As painting and decorating are getting popular, there are many creative ideas now. In fact, many people change their home decorations routinely. It reduces boringness and gives an inviting vibe. So, we are going to discuss such modern and unique wall painting techniques today. Let’s see the following-

Best 6 Creative & Modern Wall Painting Techniques

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Color Wash Techniques

Color wash gives your walls an elegant faux finish. It is suitable to decorate your living room or such places. And, there are options to pick colors also. As color options are many, you can plan accordingly. Dark shades create bold, and light shades give soft effects. Let’s discuss this easy technique-

  • Prepare the walls first and use any base color evenly.
  • Apply a thin coat of second color and glaze layer when the surface is dry. The best ratio is 4-part glaze: 1 part paint.
  • When coloring, create large X-shaped strokes and cover the whole surface.
  • Now put more glaze with a soft piece of cloth or sea sponge. These two tools will give two different and beautiful effects. Don’t forget to dab and blend the paint properly.
  • Use a third dark color or light shade for a more beautiful look. You can try your own applying motions to bring a difference.

Wood Graining Techniques

It is another form of excellent painting method. It gives a unique look to your interior. Take colors according to the background and wood effect you want. You can get suggestions or help from professional painters to apply this technique. The basic procedure is-

  • Begin with molding and cutting wall edges with a trim brush. Paint the base color of wood on the wall.
  • Begin with molding and cutting wall edges with a small brush. Paint the base color of wood on the wall. Take a 12-inch paint tray.
  • Allow the color to dry and use water-based paint on the wall.
  • Use acrylic glaze, dark color, or contrast shades for the top color. You will need a 6-inch paint tray.
  • This step will paint a vertical stripe from top to base. And twisting your hand creates strie, no need to make them straight.
  • Take a 5-inch wood-graining rocker and do overlapping strie, flame-like patterns, and knots like natural woods.
  • Again, make strie, dry the wall and finally enjoy the wood effect.

Ragging Techniques

This technique is a popular one. It is suitable for small rooms. Anyone can choose this to get an evergreen look in an easy way. It offers you the freedom to complete any old interior design on the wall. The simple steps are- 

  • Prepare the walls and paint them with the base color.
  • Mix latex glaze with base color and start from a corner. You can get an old t-shirt for the best help. Take a glaze, paint, and metallic paint if you want a metallic look.
  • Now make random patterns by dabbing the wet rag. You can try any dark color for a different look on the wall. Keep twisting your hand while dabbing.
  • Continue to paint and every time you dip the rag, reshape it. Afterward, blend the colors correctly and let the wall dry.
  • Check the wall carefully and finish well. And the ragging-off method is also recommended here.

Feel the soft-textured beautiful walls now.

Diamonds Techniques

Diamond shapes on the wall give a different classic look to a house. Whether it is a bedroom or kitchen, it fits perfectly. And the right color combination brings more sophisticated vibes. Let’s see the technique below-

  • First, you have to decide the size of the diamond shapes. Remember, the width should be half of the height.
  • Prepare the walls for paint and apply a base coat of light color.
  • Draw the shapes vertically on the surface. And measure the diamond shapes.
  • The tip to draw perfect shapes is to draw lines first. From the top to bottom of the surface, draw straight lines and horizontal lines. 
  • Measure the width and height of diamond shapes. Find the middle point in the lines.
  • Now put dots according to the measurements and connect them. You also take the help of tape.
  • Finally, fill the diamonds with colors. Let it dry and give it a finishing touch.

Sponging Techniques

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It is a classic and interesting painting technique for walls. You can choose different shades of the same color. Again, two different colors are also suitable for this technique. You should choose a paint color that does not dry too fast. Acrylic color is such a one you can consider. And, of course, buy good quality sponge brushes for the best results. Let’s see the technique –

  • The base coat is optional, but you can use it for a better outcome.
  • Prepare the glaze by mixing it well and wetting the sponge.
  • Sponging is all about putting equal pressure while you are painting. Try this from your first coat of ice.
  • To ensure an even blend, give a second glaze while the wall is still wet.
  • Dab the edges and corners equally. Finally, to pull damp paint off the wall, clean your sponge and wet it.

Your spongy walls are ready to give more texture to your home.

Strie Techniques

To get Strie faux, you have to choose the perfect color for room walls. Spend time to think about what shades you exactly want for your room. The top and the base coat are different. Generally, white or off-white color is best as a base shade. And, you can choose any top color as well as the leading shade. The painting techniques include-

  • Start your painting with a base color and let it dry.
  • Spread the Paint mixture/glaze onto the wall surface.
  • Using the correct roller or brush, paint the surface by breaking straight patterns.
  • Keep cleaning your brush; if needed, make small sections and slowly twist the brush in the step.
  • Now, create straight lines. You can use a toothed brush to make neat lines through the glaze.
  • Allow the first coat to dry properly, apply a second coat. Using a small and narrow brush highlights the panels.
  • Layer the rails and stiles using the first glaze. Finally, give a finishing touch with the glaze, and the walls are ready.


Hope, the modern wall painting techniques we have discussed are helpful. So, Why late? If you also want to give your home walls a new story with colors, then go for it. You can also hire professional painters or interior designers for the best ideas and plans. But to do it by yourself, select any easy technique. You can turn any simple method into an amazing one with vibrant colors. You can definitely do it if you follow a specific technique’s rules and procedure.