In Australia, you must have a license or be registered to operate as a builder or tradesperson. You’ll need a combination of experience, technical qualifications, abilities, and knowledge before you can apply for your license or registration. Are you unaware about the correct ways to obtain your builders’ license in Australia without any sort of hassle? Do not worry because you are on the right track. This article will provide a comprehensive guideline describing all the vital steps that you would need to know beforehand to acquire your builder’s license.

The first step towards getting a builder’s licence in Australia, is to complete training for the relevant qualifications. In some cases, you may also need to participate in a couple of ongoing training workshops to maintain your licence or registration.

 It is important to note that even the wrong type of experience may result in receiving a rejection of your licence. This is only one of the many unpleasant circumstances that people face while applying for a driver’s license in Australia. We urge that you double-check all of the data before applying to verify that you have satisfied all the requirements. This will not only save you time and hard-earned money, it will also give you the much-needed confidence boost before setting foot towards your career path.

What Issues Can You Encounter Before Getting Your Licence? 

What Issues Can You Encounter Before Getting Your Licence

First and foremost, you need to ensure you do not run into some critical problems before registering for your licence. Avoid the embarrassment of a lack of experience, as well as the wrong type of experience. In addition to that, make sure you do not have an unrecognised qualification or certification. 

Even if you have the right qualification, make it a point to double-check whether you have the right units (subjects) or not. You may also come across the wrong type of employment arrangement while gaining your experience. To be on the right track and safe side, steer clear of all the above-mentioned issues and you’re good to go! 

Licence Types And Registration

To apply, you must first determine which sort of license you require. The three categories accessible in Australia (depending on whether you want to contract or oversee construction work) are as follows: 

1. A one- or three-year contractor license is awarded. Only the types of work specified on your license are permitted.

2. A competent supervisor certificate is valid for three years and does not grant you the right to work on a contract basis.

3. A contractor’s license that has been endorsed. You can receive an endorsed contractor license if you apply for a contractor license and also have the credentials and experience required for a competent supervisor.

When you apply for your license, you will need to provide information about your work and experience, as well as an original copy of your qualification and information about any other licenses or certifications you have.

Required Experience

You must have worked as an employee, a subcontractor, or a nominated supervisor in order to qualify for this position (who holds a certificate of a qualified supervisor). Within the previous 10 years, you must have at least 2 years of relevant industrial experience in a wide spectrum of building construction activities.

Important note: in order to obtain your Residential Builders License, you must work for at least 24 months as a genuine employee of a licensed builder (working on residential sites and in a range of building works). On the referee’s statement form, the employer must affirm your experience. Furthermore, you must have been compensated for your efforts.

Technical Qualification

Builders Technical Qualification

In addition to 2 years of relevant industry experience in the construction industry you must have at least one of the following qualifications.

1. A Certificate IV in Building and Construction. Note that you must include all of the compulsory units in your training) as well as any of the following:

Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) CPC50210 (including all the ‘listed units of competency)
Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)BCG50206 or CPC50208
A current bricklaying or carpentry contractor licence Or qualified supervisor certificate
Bachelor of Housing from an Australian universityOr a degree in a related field from an Australian university.

2. A degree from an Australian university (in the fields of construction, building, construction project management, construction management, applied science (building), quantity surveying, or construction economics) The applicant should be required to complete the equivalent of four years of full-time education and a mandated work placement as part of the degree. 

Documentation Needed To Prove Experience 

Builders Documentation Needed To Prove
Builders Documentation Needed To Prove Experience

On the application form for a Contractor or Qualified Supervisor General Builders Licence, Fair Trading needs a brief employment history to be filled out by the applicant.  They also demand the completion of a ‘Referee Statement’ form and an ‘Applicant’s Residential Building Experience’ form (both accessible on their website). This describes the residential construction work you did with a licensed builder. The building address, DA number, and license number of the builder you worked with on that site will also be required. Under no circumstances can owner-builder sites be allowed.

It is recommended that you give all job sites and years of relevant industry experience in a wide variety of building construction work when filling out your ‘Applicant’s Residential Building Experience’ forms; not just the minimum of two years.

Finally, while evaluating your license, Fair Trading may ask for additional documents such as superannuation papers, payslips, and other documentation showing you were ‘on the records’ (employed) with the appropriate builder during the time you obtained your expertise.

Concluding Remarks 

Earning your Certificate or Diploma in building and construction should not have to take up all of your time and money. Rather, it should be a rewarding experience that provides you with lifelong information and paves the way for your professional growth. In order to guarantee that all your dedication and effort have not gone unnoticed, be sure to follow the guidelines provided in this article. Abiding by these rules will surely bring a fruitful result to all your diligence.