It’s self-evident, but it’s also simple to ignore. A license gives more opportunities for job growth and promotion. It also implies that you will have additional responsibilities and tasks on your plate.

Are you ready for new or increased responsibilities? We’re going to take you on a quick tour of how to get your Queensland builders license.

Before we begin, a short note. Each Australian territory and state has its own set of rules and protocols which you must follow. All of the important points are covered in our Complete Guide to Obtaining Your Builders Licence in Australia.

But first, let’s focus on Queensland. Here are three critical tasks to do. You must select the suitable building and construction course, determine if you match the qualification and experience criteria, and submit the entire bundle of required documentation. The Queensland Building and Construction Commission, or QBCC, is the official agency in charge of issuing, renewing, suspending, or canceling your builder’s licence.

If you already hold a license from another state, you must follow a different procedure to have it validated.

When Do You Need A Queensland Builders Licence?

Builder Licence

A builders licence is required in Queensland for any firm or individual who intends to oversee or carry out building work worth $3,300 or more. The stated price includes labor and any materials required.

However, the QBCC requires everyone who performs construction work within the scope of the classes indicated below to have a valid builders licence. These are some examples:

  • Low-rise, medium-rise, or open-plan building design
  • Chemical Termite Control
  • Residential Building Inspection Completed
  • Protection Against Fire
  • Gasfitting
  • Site Categorization
  • Drainage and plumbing
  • Building work worth more than $1,100 includes Hydraulic Services Design
  • Any construction activity worth more than $3,300

When A Builders’ Licence Is Not Required In Queensland

  • The Queensland Building and Construction Commission identifies the following situations in which a builder’s license is not required.
  • If you do work on your own property worth less than $11,000, you are exempt.
  • If you are a permit-holding owner-builder.
  • If you work for a licensee and your employer has the appropriate QBCC license for the work you conduct.
  • If you operate as a subcontractor for a qualified trade contractor and the licensed trade contractor has the appropriate QBCC license for the work you are conducting.
  • If you’re an unlicensed individual working with a licensee who has the relevant QBCC license for the work you’re conducting.

In most circumstances, asbestos removal workers, demolition workers, insulation installers, electricians, handymen, and architects do not need a QBCC builders’ license. However, be sure to read the complete contents on the QBCC website’s associated page.

It is important to note that if you are an employee, you do not require a license unless you are in charge of directing the building work, verifying the work is free of flaws or ensuring the work conforms with specifications and plans.

You should know by now if you are eligible for a license. You must now complete a three-step procedure.

Step One: Select a Licensing Class

In Queensland, builders licensing classes are divided into three major groups, each with its own subcategory:

Low-Rise Builder

  • Licences for contractors and nominated supervisors
  • Licence for site supervisor.

Medium-Rise Builder

  • Licences for contractors and nominated supervisors
  • Licence for site supervisor.

Open Builder

  • Builder—open contractor and nominated supervisor licenses
  • Builder—project management services contractor and nominated supervisor licenses
  • Builder—open site supervisor license

Building design, Builder limited, Completed Residential Building Inspection, Trade Contractor, Plumbing and Drainage, Fire Protection, and other licenses are also available from QBCC.

Step Two: Begin the Application Process

After you’ve decided on a type of builders licence, you’ll begin the application procedure. The application will focus on four important areas, and you should pay careful attention to these areas and fill them out completely. These are some examples:

  • Experience
  • Qualifications
  • References
  • Financial Statements

The application will lead you through the rest of the administrative procedures step by step. The Builders Licence Application Form, Building and Design Experience Form, and Referee Report will be required.

Step three: Submit Your Documentation And Application

The QBCC will review your application, credentials, and references once you submit your application. When your application is granted, you will get a letter outlining the work that the license allows you to conduct as well as your individual licence number.

Being “Perfectly Fit”

Obtaining a license involves more than just your expertise and qualifications. To have a licence, the QBCC requires that you be “fit and decent.”

The majority of the suggestions raised are basic sense and are intended to add to the industry’s safety and integrity.

  • Your business dealings are characterized by honesty and integrity.
  • Any failure to meet your commercial or statutory duties, as well as the reasons for the failure.
  • If you’ve completed any Tier 1 faulty work
  • If you have failed to pay an infraction notice issued by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission under the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991,
  • any other pertinent circumstance (e.g. criminal history).

As we proceed, we’ll answer some commonly asked questions.

In Queensland, how long does it take to obtain a builders’ license?

It typically takes six to eight weeks to review applications and issue licenses. You have little influence over this procedure, but there is one thing you can do: make sure you provide all the required papers when applying.

Is it legal for me to work as a builder in Queensland if I have a license from another state or country?

work as a builder

Transferring from another state or territory

If you already have a license in another state, you can apply for an equivalent QBCC license. You are not required to have the same technical qualifications or expertise. In other circumstances, though, a management qualification may be necessary.

To begin with this procedure, please review the Mutual Recognition Application Form (PDF) and the related papers.

Moving from abroad

If you wish to work in the Queensland construction sector and need a license, you must have an Australian qualification that meets the technical qualification standards. If you hold a New Zealand driver’s license, you may be eligible to apply through the Mutual Recognition process.

Responsibility comes with your license. Every building and construction practitioner is accountable for the safety of the structures we live and work in, the roads we travel on, and the bridges we cross.

The QBCC and other official authorities should address a wide variety of challenges in the building and construction business, from exterior cladding to non-conforming building goods, from bankruptcy to payment security.